The Big Idea

The Six Steps of BRIDGE

Putting the Science of “How” Toward Achieving the “What”

The Big Idea


set the foundation



Generate innovative ideas and explore possibilities after starting your goal strategy process with Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory to first identify whether you have a learning goal or performance goal. This step involves overcoming cognitive biases, tapping into your full creative potential, and considering a wide range of options. Effective brainstorming sets the foundation for a successful goal pursuit by ensuring you’re starting with the best possible ideas and approaches.


why this matters



Evaluate and cultivate the right network of supportive relationships that will empower your goal pursuit. This involves identifying toxic influences that could derail your progress and surrounding yourself with people who will encourage and support you. Building the right relationships is crucial for maintaining motivation, gaining valuable insights, and accessing resources necessary for achieving your goals


plan your path



Identify and allocate the necessary resources – time, money, energy, and skills – required to successfully achieve your goal. This step includes developing strategies to overcome potential obstacles and ensuring you have everything you need to succeed. Proper investment planning helps you avoid running out of steam or resources midway through your goal pursuit.


make smart choices



Apply proven decision-making frameworks to navigate choices along your goal journey. This involves avoiding common pitfalls, leveraging your strengths, and making informed decisions at critical junctures. Effective decision-making ensures you stay on track and make the best choices to advance towards your goal.

Good Grit

persevere wisely


Good Grit

Cultivate the right kind of perseverance – “good grit” – to stay committed to your goal through challenges. This involves developing resilience, maintaining flexibility to pivot when needed, and avoiding “stupid grit” that keeps you stuck on an unproductive path. Good grit helps you push through obstacles while remaining adaptable to changing circumstances.


the final step



Strive for excellence in your goal pursuit by continuously refining your approach, celebrating milestones, and maintaining high standards throughout the process. This final step involves ongoing evaluation and improvement, ensuring that you not only achieve your goal but do so in a way that maximizes your growth and satisfaction.

The Framework

Over more than three decades, Caroline Miller has studied the science of goal accomplishment and worked with hundreds of leaders all over the world in many industries from launching rockets to disrupting surgical practices. She wrote the pioneering evidence-based goal setting book, “Creating Your Best Life,” the first mass market book to link the science of happiness with the science of success. The book was praised by the “father of Positive Psychology,” Dr. Martin Seligman in “Flourish” for adding a “major missing piece” to goal setting.

By combining Locke and Latham’s goal setting theory with her six-step BRIDGE methodology, she has designed a comprehensive framework for setting and achieving ambitious goals, integrating cutting-edge research on motivation, productivity, and human behavior to maximize your chances of success and create lasting positive change in your life and work.


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