

  • Caroline Adams Miller has done a superb job of translating my theory of goal setting into every day meaningful, memorable language so that all of you can put our findings into practice immediately to bring about changes you desire on and off your jobs.

    Dr. Gary Latham
    co-founder of Goal Setting Theory and author of Becoming the Evidence-Based Manager
  • This is the best goal setting book ever written. Period.

    Brian Johnson
    co-founder and CEO of Heroic and author of Areté
  • Caroline Miller’s pioneering books connecting the science of goal setting with the science of happiness are must reading for anyone who wants to live their best life. Empirically grounded and splendidly accessible, this is the best and most timely book I’ve read on goal setting, because it links all of the most important science together while making it relevant to a rapidly changing 21st century world.

    Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D.,
    Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside and author of The How of Happiness
  • Big Goals is a practical guide to the modern science of goal setting. Chock full of specific suggestions and real-world examples, this book comes to you from one of the most respected and admired applied positive psychologists on the planet!

    Angela Duckworth
    author of Grit, winner of the McArthur Genius Grant, and co-director Behavior Change for Good Lab

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